Restaurant Recommendation System

Project purpose

The goal of this project was to build several several different types of recommendation systems in order to better understand how they work through practice. In my Marketing Analytics course, we covered some of the advantages of recommendation systems. However, we never put these ideas into practice. In this application with restaurants, customers tend to seek out new culinary experiences that fit their requirements. With a recommendation system, business value can be generated via taking a cut of profits from restaurants generated by generating new customers with a higher customer retention and order value assuming that the recommendations are high-quality. This is a win-win for businesses and customers as customers receive an enhanced dining experience from a recommendation tailored towards them. In this way, value is generated for everyone: the company with the recommendation system, the restaurants, and the customers.

Outside of restaurants, recommendation engines are extremely useful for driving web traffic and providing relevant content such as advertisements to users. A notable example is Google, which is valued at over \$1 trillion and is essentially a recommendation system that makes its money from ads.

About the Data

The data was taken from a small Kaggle competition named "Restaurant Recommendation Challenge." The original competition was to build a recommendation engine to which restaurants customers are most likely to order given "customer location", "restaurant information", and "customer order history". However, I was more interested in learning about building recommendation engines, so I did not follow these rules. Instead, I have taken 2 datasets, orders.csv and vendors.csv, and ignored the other provided training and testing datasets.

Orders.csv is 135,303 rows and 26 columns. Some of these columns are:

  1. Order amount
  2. Count of items in order
  3. Customer ID
  4. Vendor ID
  5. Promo code
  6. Is favorite
  7. Vendor rating
  8. Delivery distance
  9. Location type
  10. Delivery date

Vendors.csv is a much smaller dataset with 100 rows and 60 columns. Among these columns are:

  1. Vendor ID
  2. Location
  3. Opening hours
  4. Day of week
  5. Types of food served
  6. Vendor category


  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
  2. Matrix Factorization Collaborative Filtering
  3. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
  4. Market Basket Analysis
  5. Benchmarking
  6. Summary


In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
%pylab inline

import sys
from scipy import stats # statistical library
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plotting
import copy'ggplot')

from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds #for matrix factorization
from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import apriori, association_rules 
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
In [22]:
orders = pd.read_csv('orders.csv', low_memory=False)
akeed_order_id customer_id item_count grand_total payment_mode promo_code vendor_discount_amount promo_code_discount_percentage is_favorite is_rated ... driver_accepted_time ready_for_pickup_time picked_up_time delivered_time delivery_date vendor_id created_at LOCATION_NUMBER LOCATION_TYPE CID X LOC_NUM X VENDOR
0 163238.0 92PEE24 1.0 7.6 2 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN No ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-07-31 05:30:00 105 2019-08-01 05:30:16 0 NaN 92PEE24 X 0 X 105
1 163240.0 QS68UD8 1.0 8.7 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN No ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-07-31 05:30:00 294 2019-08-01 05:31:10 0 Work QS68UD8 X 0 X 294
2 163241.0 MB7VY5F 2.0 14.4 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN No ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-07-31 05:30:00 83 2019-08-01 05:31:33 0 NaN MB7VY5F X 0 X 83
3 163244.0 KDJ951Y 1.0 7.1 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN No ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-07-31 05:30:00 90 2019-08-01 05:34:54 0 Home KDJ951Y X 0 X 90
4 163245.0 BAL0RVT 4.0 27.2 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN No ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-07-31 05:30:00 83 2019-08-01 05:35:51 0 Work BAL0RVT X 0 X 83

5 rows × 26 columns

In [23]:
vendors = pd.read_csv('vendors.csv')
id authentication_id latitude longitude vendor_category_en vendor_category_id delivery_charge serving_distance is_open OpeningTime ... open_close_flags vendor_tag vendor_tag_name one_click_vendor country_id city_id created_at updated_at device_type display_orders
0 4 118597.0 -0.588596 0.754434 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:30PM ... 1.0 2,4,5,8,91,22,12,24,16,23 Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver... Y 1.0 1.0 2018-01-30 14:42:04 2020-04-07 15:12:43 3 1
1 13 118608.0 -0.471654 0.744470 Restaurants 2.0 0.7 5.0 1.0 08:30AM-10:30PM ... 1.0 4,41,51,34,27,15,24,16,28 Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa... Y 1.0 1.0 2018-05-03 12:32:06 2020-04-05 20:46:03 3 1
2 20 118616.0 -0.407527 0.643681 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 8.0 1.0 08:00AM-10:45PM ... 1.0 4,8,91,10 Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian Y 1.0 1.0 2018-05-04 22:28:22 2020-04-07 16:35:55 3 1
3 23 118619.0 -0.585385 0.753811 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 10:59AM-10:30PM ... 1.0 5,8,30,24 Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads Y 1.0 1.0 2018-05-06 19:20:48 2020-04-02 00:56:17 3 1
4 28 118624.0 0.480602 0.552850 Restaurants 2.0 0.7 15.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:45PM ... 1.0 5 Burgers Y 1.0 1.0 2018-05-17 22:12:38 2020-04-05 15:57:41 3 1

5 rows × 59 columns

1. Exploratory Data Analysis

In [24]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 135303 entries, 0 to 135302
Data columns (total 26 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------   -----  
 0   akeed_order_id                  135233 non-null  float64
 1   customer_id                     135303 non-null  object 
 2   item_count                      128378 non-null  float64
 3   grand_total                     135303 non-null  float64
 4   payment_mode                    135303 non-null  int64  
 5   promo_code                      4305 non-null    object 
 6   vendor_discount_amount          135303 non-null  float64
 7   promo_code_discount_percentage  65880 non-null   float64
 8   is_favorite                     100108 non-null  object 
 9   is_rated                        135303 non-null  object 
 10  vendor_rating                   45220 non-null   float64
 11  driver_rating                   135303 non-null  float64
 12  deliverydistance                135303 non-null  float64
 13  preparationtime                 79743 non-null   float64
 14  delivery_time                   5123 non-null    object 
 15  order_accepted_time             86955 non-null   object 
 16  driver_accepted_time            46458 non-null   object 
 17  ready_for_pickup_time           84249 non-null   object 
 18  picked_up_time                  83865 non-null   object 
 19  delivered_time                  85741 non-null   object 
 20  delivery_date                   35544 non-null   object 
 21  vendor_id                       135303 non-null  int64  
 22  created_at                      135303 non-null  object 
 23  LOCATION_NUMBER                 135303 non-null  int64  
 24  LOCATION_TYPE                   86410 non-null   object 
 25  CID X LOC_NUM X VENDOR          135303 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(9), int64(3), object(14)
memory usage: 26.8+ MB

There seems to be a ton of missing values in important columns. Of the 135,233 rows, only 45,220 have vendor ratings. I then looked into the non-null ratings.

In [25]:
0.0    25175
5.0    14212
4.0     2748
3.0     1426
1.0     1029
2.0      630
Name: vendor_rating, dtype: int64

A lot of values are 0, so I will omit these ratings as well.

In [26]:
orders = orders[orders['vendor_rating'].notnull()]
5.0    14212
4.0     2748
3.0     1426
1.0     1029
2.0      630
Name: vendor_rating, dtype: int64
In [27]:
                                            title='Distribution of Ratings')
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Distribution of Ratings'}>
In [28]:
#use data only with valid vendor ratings
orders = orders[orders['vendor_rating']!=0]
akeed_order_id customer_id item_count grand_total payment_mode promo_code vendor_discount_amount promo_code_discount_percentage is_favorite is_rated ... driver_accepted_time ready_for_pickup_time picked_up_time delivered_time delivery_date vendor_id created_at LOCATION_NUMBER LOCATION_TYPE CID X LOC_NUM X VENDOR
101 163425.0 OH64IO0 2.0 10.8 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN Yes ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-01 05:30:00 310 2019-08-01 19:06:34 0 NaN OH64IO0 X 0 X 310
159 163543.0 FCPLE31 3.0 28.0 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN Yes ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-01 05:30:00 157 2019-08-01 20:53:27 0 Home FCPLE31 X 0 X 157
175 163573.0 WB681BO 2.0 11.7 2 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN Yes ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-01 05:30:00 271 2019-08-01 21:25:42 0 Home WB681BO X 0 X 271
272 163764.0 FS229TW 2.0 9.5 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN Yes ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-01 05:30:00 157 2019-08-02 03:12:32 0 Other FS229TW X 0 X 157
453 164175.0 3P9113W 1.0 9.8 1 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN Yes ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-02 05:30:00 85 2019-08-03 00:39:57 0 Other 3P9113W X 0 X 85

5 rows × 26 columns

In [29]:
#number of unique customers
In [30]:
#Amount of orders from top 10 customers
XW90EAP    78
2JJAO46    68
DGRUO7S    54
U31BNUR    46
VSQM72V    43
TL7Z2DM    42
WM6KURU    37
Name: customer_id, dtype: int64
In [31]:
#grand totals of vendors
vendors_sum = pd.pivot_table(orders,

113 14692.2
79 13923.6
84 13756.8
105 9832.6
386 8920.4
... ...
66 315.0
161 286.7
265 236.6
196 149.1
231 86.7

100 rows × 1 columns

In [32]:
vendors_pt = pd.pivot_table(orders,
vendors_pt.sort_values(by='vendor_rating', ascending=False)[:10]\
    .plot(kind='bar',title='Top 10 Most Rated Restaurants')
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Top 10 Most Rated Restaurants'}, xlabel='vendor_id'>
In [33]:
#Ratings per User
(0.0, 100.0)
In [34]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 59 columns):
 #   Column                Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                --------------  -----  
 0   id                    100 non-null    int64  
 1   authentication_id     100 non-null    float64
 2   latitude              100 non-null    float64
 3   longitude             100 non-null    float64
 4   vendor_category_en    100 non-null    object 
 5   vendor_category_id    100 non-null    float64
 6   delivery_charge       100 non-null    float64
 7   serving_distance      100 non-null    float64
 8   is_open               100 non-null    float64
 9   OpeningTime           91 non-null     object 
 10  OpeningTime2          91 non-null     object 
 11  prepration_time       100 non-null    int64  
 12  commission            85 non-null     float64
 13  is_akeed_delivering   100 non-null    object 
 14  discount_percentage   100 non-null    float64
 15  status                100 non-null    float64
 16  verified              100 non-null    int64  
 17  rank                  100 non-null    int64  
 18  language              85 non-null     object 
 19  vendor_rating         100 non-null    float64
 20  sunday_from_time1     99 non-null     object 
 21  sunday_to_time1       99 non-null     object 
 22  sunday_from_time2     42 non-null     object 
 23  sunday_to_time2       42 non-null     object 
 24  monday_from_time1     100 non-null    object 
 25  monday_to_time1       100 non-null    object 
 26  monday_from_time2     42 non-null     object 
 27  monday_to_time2       42 non-null     object 
 28  tuesday_from_time1    99 non-null     object 
 29  tuesday_to_time1      99 non-null     object 
 30  tuesday_from_time2    41 non-null     object 
 31  tuesday_to_time2      41 non-null     object 
 32  wednesday_from_time1  100 non-null    object 
 33  wednesday_to_time1    100 non-null    object 
 34  wednesday_from_time2  42 non-null     object 
 35  wednesday_to_time2    42 non-null     object 
 36  thursday_from_time1   99 non-null     object 
 37  thursday_to_time1     99 non-null     object 
 38  thursday_from_time2   42 non-null     object 
 39  thursday_to_time2     42 non-null     object 
 40  friday_from_time1     96 non-null     object 
 41  friday_to_time1       96 non-null     object 
 42  friday_from_time2     45 non-null     object 
 43  friday_to_time2       45 non-null     object 
 44  saturday_from_time1   98 non-null     object 
 45  saturday_to_time1     98 non-null     object 
 46  saturday_from_time2   42 non-null     object 
 47  saturday_to_time2     42 non-null     object 
 48  primary_tags          77 non-null     object 
 49  open_close_flags      100 non-null    float64
 50  vendor_tag            97 non-null     object 
 51  vendor_tag_name       97 non-null     object 
 52  one_click_vendor      100 non-null    object 
 53  country_id            100 non-null    float64
 54  city_id               100 non-null    float64
 55  created_at            100 non-null    object 
 56  updated_at            100 non-null    object 
 57  device_type           100 non-null    int64  
 58  display_orders        100 non-null    int64  
dtypes: float64(14), int64(6), object(39)
memory usage: 46.2+ KB
In [35]:
#combine datasets
com = vendors.merge(orders,left_on='id',right_on='vendor_id')
id authentication_id latitude longitude vendor_category_en vendor_category_id delivery_charge serving_distance is_open OpeningTime ... driver_accepted_time ready_for_pickup_time picked_up_time delivered_time delivery_date vendor_id created_at_y LOCATION_NUMBER LOCATION_TYPE CID X LOC_NUM X VENDOR
0 4 118597.0 -0.588596 0.754434 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:30PM ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-05 05:30:00 4 2019-08-05 19:32:22 0 Home FHMEG6N X 0 X 4
1 4 118597.0 -0.588596 0.754434 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:30PM ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-08 05:30:00 4 2019-08-08 18:09:37 0 Work FWNWSYH X 0 X 4
2 4 118597.0 -0.588596 0.754434 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:30PM ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-19 05:30:00 4 2019-08-19 18:10:02 0 Home FHMEG6N X 0 X 4
3 4 118597.0 -0.588596 0.754434 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:30PM ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-08-26 05:30:00 4 2019-08-26 18:57:51 1 Home VXJJYH2 X 1 X 4
4 4 118597.0 -0.588596 0.754434 Restaurants 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 11:00AM-11:30PM ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2019-09-04 05:30:00 4 2019-09-04 19:11:39 0 Home GO7LLZH X 0 X 4

5 rows × 85 columns

In [37]:
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='grand_total', ylabel='vendor_rating_x'>
In [38]:
vendor_tags = {}
for lst in com['vendor_tag_name'].unique():
    if isinstance(lst, str):
        tags = lst.split(',')
        for tag in tags:
            if tag not in vendor_tags:
                vendor_tags[tag] = 1
                vendor_tags[tag] += 1
types = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(vendor_tags,orient='index',columns=['tag_freq'])
types = types.sort_values(by='tag_freq',ascending=False)[:10]
sns.barplot(x='index',y='tag_freq',data=types).set_title('Most Common Restaurant Tags')
(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
 [Text(0, 0, 'Desserts'),
  Text(1, 0, 'Sandwiches'),
  Text(2, 0, 'Burgers'),
  Text(3, 0, 'Salads'),
  Text(4, 0, 'American'),
  Text(5, 0, 'Breakfast'),
  Text(6, 0, 'Free Delivery'),
  Text(7, 0, 'Fries'),
  Text(8, 0, 'Fresh Juices'),
  Text(9, 0, 'Pasta')])


There are 2 ways to make recommendations: model-driven approaches and heuristics approaches. Model-driven apporaches are creating models using some form of attributes or behavior of the restaurant or customers. It is important to note that this is highly dependent on the analyst's ability to determine what to model. I decided not to pursue this approach process due to limitations.

Heuristics approaches uses a simple rule of thumb approach to making recommendations. From "stated" preference data, such as customer ratings, we can use the collaborative filtering process. From "revealed" preference data, such as the customer's purchase history, we can attempt a market basket analysis.

2. Matrix Factorization Collaborative Filtering

In collaborative filtering, we are trying to answer the question: for each of the customers who left at least one rating, can we recommend other restaurants that they have not yet rated?

In terms of data preparation, the biggest problem was that data was very sparse. Most customers did not rate any restaurants, and more than half of the ratings were recorded as zero, which was not usable. Thus, after removing all the unusable data, I had about 20k out of 135k orders. There were 7,726 customers who rated at least once, which is about 28% of all the customers.

The matrix factorization method I used was SVD (Singular Value Decomposition).

In [39]:
# Get unique vendor ratings
orders_by_cust1 = orders[['customer_id','item_count','grand_total','vendor_rating','driver_rating','deliverydistance','vendor_id']]
customer_id item_count grand_total vendor_rating driver_rating deliverydistance vendor_id
101 OH64IO0 2.0 10.8 5.0 5.0 0.0 310
159 FCPLE31 3.0 28.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 157
175 WB681BO 2.0 11.7 4.0 3.0 0.0 271
272 FS229TW 2.0 9.5 4.0 0.0 0.0 157
453 3P9113W 1.0 9.8 5.0 5.0 0.0 85
In [40]:
#remove 0 ratings
orders_by_cust = orders_by_cust1[orders_by_cust1['vendor_rating'] != 0]

df_by_vendors = orders_by_cust.groupby(['vendor_id','customer_id']).mean().reset_index()
df_by_customers = orders_by_cust.groupby(['customer_id','vendor_id']).mean().reset_index()
       vendor_id customer_id  item_count  grand_total  vendor_rating  \
0              4     00OT8JX         3.5    19.566667            5.0   
1              4     045FUZC         3.0    16.600000            4.5   
2              4     0GQAWGX         3.0     0.300000            4.0   
3              4     0HITBVB         2.0     6.000000            1.0   
4              4     0J3JAWH         4.0    13.000000            4.0   
...          ...         ...         ...          ...            ...   
13487        907     Y9CGJXL         2.0     1.600000            5.0   
13488        907     YR1DNQ2         4.0     6.800000            5.0   
13489        907     Z7FF89G         3.0     4.600000            2.0   
13490        907     ZFSSWBV         3.0     5.200000            5.0   
13491        907     ZOZJYNW         1.0     0.500000            1.0   

       driver_rating  deliverydistance  
0                5.0          6.656667  
1                4.5          2.420000  
2                5.0         11.160000  
3                4.0          2.130000  
4                5.0          8.630000  
...              ...               ...  
13487            5.0          7.420000  
13488            5.0          6.130000  
13489            3.0          5.450000  
13490            5.0          6.240000  
13491            5.0          0.080000  

[13492 rows x 7 columns]
      customer_id  vendor_id  item_count  grand_total  vendor_rating  \
0         00HWUU3        299         1.0     6.000000            5.0   
1         00OT8JX          4         3.5    19.566667            5.0   
2         00OT8JX         75         8.0    89.500000            5.0   
3         00OT8JX        104         3.0    12.800000            5.0   
4         00OT8JX        159         8.0    56.000000            5.0   
...           ...        ...         ...          ...            ...   
13487     ZZRJABJ        191         4.0     6.400000            3.0   
13488     ZZY3N0D         86         1.0     8.200000            5.0   
13489     ZZY3N0D        225         2.0     4.100000            3.0   
13490     ZZY3N0D        459         2.0     7.600000            5.0   
13491     ZZY3N0D        537         1.0     7.100000            5.0   

       driver_rating  deliverydistance  
0                0.0          2.700000  
1                5.0          6.656667  
2                5.0          5.680000  
3                5.0          0.720000  
4                5.0          6.150000  
...              ...               ...  
13487            3.0         14.310000  
13488            5.0          0.000000  
13489            5.0          0.000000  
13490            5.0          0.000000  
13491            5.0          0.000000  

[13492 rows x 7 columns]
In [41]:
df_by_customers_rating = copy.deepcopy(df_by_customers[['customer_id', 'vendor_id', 'vendor_rating']])

# map the customer ids and vendor ids to vendor rating
# NOTE: The new vendor_id_int is different number from the original vendor_id
df_by_customers_rating["customer_id_int"] = df_by_customers_rating['customer_id'].rank(method ='dense').astype(int)
df_by_customers_rating["vendor_id_int"]   = df_by_customers_rating['vendor_id'].rank(method ='dense').astype(int) 

# Need to merge vendor food type info while vendor_id_int is in the same dataframe
df_by_cust_rating_with_vendor_type = (df_by_customers_rating.merge(vendors, how = 'left', left_on = 'vendor_id', right_on = 'id').sort_values(['customer_id_int'], ascending=False) )

#this is the df for filtering
df_by_cust_rating_newid = df_by_customers_rating[['customer_id_int', 'vendor_id_int','vendor_rating']]

R_df = df_by_cust_rating_newid.pivot(index = 'customer_id_int', columns ='vendor_id_int', values = 'vendor_rating').fillna(0)
   customer_id_int  vendor_id_int  vendor_rating
0                1             69            5.0
1                2              1            5.0
2                2             12            5.0
3                2             24            5.0
4                2             36            5.0
vendor_id_int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 100 columns

In [42]:
#get normalized predictions for each customer vendor combination
R = R_df.to_numpy()
user_ratings_mean = np.mean(R, axis = 1)
R_demeaned = R - user_ratings_mean.reshape(-1, 1)

#50 seemed optimal after several experiments
U, sigma, Vt = svds(R_demeaned, k = 50)
sigma = np.diag(sigma)

all_user_predicted_ratings =, sigma), Vt) + user_ratings_mean.reshape(-1, 1)
preds_df = pd.DataFrame(all_user_predicted_ratings, columns = R_df.columns)

vendor_id_int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
0 0.012819 0.038799 -0.026204 0.022984 -0.004424 0.005693 0.064137 -0.006207 -0.042939 0.065478 ... -0.006656 -0.035703 0.016041 0.065568 -0.005374 -0.007976 0.006558 -0.002519 -0.006368 -0.085490
1 4.899561 0.661909 0.483003 1.280933 -0.019898 -0.271581 0.850224 -0.258311 0.180038 0.252474 ... 0.076503 3.989999 0.461602 -1.145496 0.093760 -0.007099 0.201754 -0.150468 5.125211 0.332882
2 0.004642 -0.012281 0.025886 0.034094 0.004649 0.000265 -0.020598 0.002341 0.008966 -0.015406 ... 0.001981 -0.009087 -0.003607 -0.036538 -0.001957 0.004210 0.004978 0.005596 0.004563 0.020645
3 -0.140588 0.177283 0.066214 0.252978 -0.013158 4.899357 0.095169 -0.002582 -0.039602 -0.042523 ... 0.003318 0.192196 0.091285 -0.011703 -0.002175 0.003249 0.020326 0.013127 -0.008414 -0.008617
4 0.083534 0.173825 0.475965 -0.078022 -0.025509 -0.011703 -0.043810 -0.084218 0.153664 0.106907 ... 0.089221 -0.431894 0.051428 0.706687 0.125887 -0.032379 -0.401004 -0.138695 -0.040884 0.142680

5 rows × 100 columns

In [43]:
#make recommendations
def recommend_restaurants(predictions_df, userID, res_df, original_ratings_df, num_recommendations=5):
    # Get and sort the user's predictions
    user_row_number = userID - 1 # UserID starts at 1, not 0
    sorted_user_predictions = predictions_df.iloc[user_row_number].sort_values(ascending=False)
    # Get the user's data and merge in the book information.
    user_data = original_ratings_df[original_ratings_df.customer_id_int == (userID)]
    user_full = (user_data.merge(res_df, how = 'left', left_on = 'vendor_id_int', right_on = 'vendor_id_int').
                     sort_values(['vendor_rating'], ascending=False)

    print ('User {0} has already rated {1} restaurants. The first 5 are:'.format(userID, user_full.shape[0]))
    print (user_full['vendor_tag_name'].head(5))
    print ('Recommending the highest {0} predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.'.format(num_recommendations))
    # Recommend the highest predicted rating book that the user hasn't seen yet.
    recommendations = (res_df[~res_df['vendor_id_int'].isin(user_full['vendor_id_int'])].
         merge(pd.DataFrame(sorted_user_predictions).reset_index(), how = 'left',
               left_on = 'vendor_id_int',
               right_on = 'vendor_id_int').
         rename(columns = {user_row_number: 'Predictions'}).
         sort_values('Predictions', ascending = False).
                       iloc[:num_recommendations, :-1]

#    return user_full, recommendations
    return recommendations
In [44]:
#get vendor tag each vendor id to substitute for missing restaurant name
vendors_id_type = df_by_cust_rating_with_vendor_type[['vendor_id_int','vendor_tag_name']].drop_duplicates()
vendor_id_int vendor_tag_name
13491 81 American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
13490 80 Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos
13489 55 Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
13488 21 Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
13487 43 Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
... ... ...
12806 71 Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
12699 16 Arabic,Breakfast,Desserts,Mandazi,Omani,Salads...
12364 61 Desserts,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Healthy Fo...
12127 56 NaN
11072 10 Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Indian,Salads

100 rows × 2 columns

In [45]:
recommend_restaurants(preds_df, 31, vendors_id_type, df_by_cust_rating_newid, 5)
User 31 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 5 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
vendor_id_int vendor_tag_name
33 85 Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
82 39 Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
24 46 Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
72 77 Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
43 88 Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma

From this predicted ratings table, we could show for each customer, our top recommended restaurants. Because the data did not have the restaurant names, I substituted the type of food they serve. The biggest limitation of this result is that over 70% of the customers did not give any ratings.

In [69]:
#repeat recommendations for each customer
k = pd.DataFrame()
for index in range(7726):
  j = recommend_restaurants(preds_df, index+1, vendors_id_type, df_by_cust_rating_newid, 2)
  k = k.append(j)
User 1 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 2 has already rated 10 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
4               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 3 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 4 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 5 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 6 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Desserts,Mandazi,Omani,Salads...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 7 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
1               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 8 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 9 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 10 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 11 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 12 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 13 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 14 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
1               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 15 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Free Delivery,Healthy Food,Sweets
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 16 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Donuts
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 17 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 18 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 19 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 20 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 21 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
1                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 22 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 23 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 24 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 25 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 26 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 27 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 28 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 29 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 30 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 31 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 32 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 33 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 34 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 35 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 36 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                                              Churros
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 37 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 38 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 39 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 40 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
2    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
1                                       Coffee,Organic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 41 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
0              Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 42 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 43 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 44 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 45 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 46 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 47 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 48 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 49 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 50 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 51 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 52 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 53 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 54 has already rated 7 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Burgers
1    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
2      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
4              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 55 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 56 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
1    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
2    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 57 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 58 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 59 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 60 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 61 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                       Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 62 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 63 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 64 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                        Cakes,Donuts
1              Bagels,Desserts,Salads
2    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 65 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 66 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
1    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
2    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 67 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 68 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 69 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 70 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1        Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 71 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 72 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 73 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0                               Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 74 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 75 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Burgers,Sandwiches,Shawarma,Grills,Pizz...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 76 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 77 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 78 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 79 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 80 has already rated 7 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                            Burgers
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
3             American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
4                Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 81 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 82 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 83 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 84 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 85 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 86 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 87 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 88 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 89 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 90 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 91 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 92 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 93 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 94 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 95 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 96 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 97 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 98 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 99 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 100 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 101 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Churros
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 102 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 103 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 104 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 105 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 106 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 107 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1             Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 108 has already rated 9 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
1                 Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
4               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
7                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
8    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 109 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 110 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 111 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 112 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 113 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
2                  Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
3                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 114 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1        Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 115 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 116 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 117 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 118 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
3                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
4    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 119 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 120 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 121 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 122 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 123 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
1          Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2    Desserts,Free Delivery,Healthy Food,Sweets
4                        Bagels,Desserts,Salads
3                   American,Burgers,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 124 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 125 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 126 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 127 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 128 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0         Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1                                  Churros
2    Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 129 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 130 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1        Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 131 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                      Burgers
1    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 132 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 133 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 134 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 135 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 136 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
1          Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 137 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 138 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 139 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 140 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 141 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 142 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 143 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 144 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 145 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 146 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1    Arabic,Breakfast,Desserts,Mandazi,Omani,Salads...
2    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
3                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
4    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 147 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 148 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
1          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
3    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 149 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 150 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 151 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 152 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 153 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 154 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 155 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 156 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 157 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 158 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 159 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 160 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
1                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 161 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1           American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 162 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
1                         Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 163 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 164 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 165 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 166 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 167 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 168 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
2          Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 169 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 170 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 171 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 172 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 173 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 174 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 175 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
4                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
1                                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 176 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 177 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0                                              Burgers
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 178 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 179 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 180 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 181 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 182 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 183 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 184 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 185 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 186 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 187 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 188 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 189 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 190 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 191 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1      American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 192 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 193 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 194 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 195 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 196 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 197 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 198 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
1                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 199 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 200 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 201 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
4    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
7                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
3        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 202 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
1           Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
2           Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
3           Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 203 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                                          Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 204 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 205 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 206 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
3                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
4                                              Churros
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 207 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
1                       Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 208 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 209 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 210 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 211 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 212 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
1                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 213 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Churros
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 214 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
4                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
2      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 215 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 216 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 217 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Desserts,Mandazi,Omani,Salads...
2                            Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 218 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 219 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 220 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
6                                              Churros
3    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
2             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
7                            Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
4    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 221 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
1       Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 222 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 223 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 224 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 225 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 226 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
2             American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 227 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 228 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 229 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 230 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Grills,Mexican
2              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
0          Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 231 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 232 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 233 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 234 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 235 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 236 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    NaN
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 237 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 238 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 239 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 240 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 241 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 242 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1            American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 243 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 244 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 245 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1           Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
2     Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 246 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                  American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1               Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
2    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3                Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 247 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 248 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 249 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 250 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 251 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 252 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 253 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 254 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 255 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
1           Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 256 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1                                          Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 257 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 258 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 259 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 260 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 261 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 262 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 263 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 264 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 265 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 266 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1                                          Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 267 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 268 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 269 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 270 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 271 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
1                                   Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 272 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 273 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 274 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
1                               Bagels,Desserts,Salads
2                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 275 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 276 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 277 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 278 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 279 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 280 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 281 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 282 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 283 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 284 has already rated 12 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1                                     Desserts,Mexican
2    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
3        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
5               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 285 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 286 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 287 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 288 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 289 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 290 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 291 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 292 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 293 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
3                                              Churros
1    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 294 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 295 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 296 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 297 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 298 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 299 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 300 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0         American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 301 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                         Desserts,Mexican
1    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 302 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 303 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1       Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
2    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 304 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 305 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 306 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                                              Churros
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 307 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 308 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 309 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 310 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 311 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 312 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
1              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 313 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 314 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Donuts
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 315 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 316 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 317 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 318 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 319 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 320 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 321 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0       Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 322 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 323 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
2    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
3                             Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
1                 Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 324 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 325 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 326 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
1    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
2                             Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 327 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 328 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
1                                       Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 329 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 330 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 331 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 332 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 333 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 334 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 335 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 336 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 337 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 338 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                        Desserts,Mexican
1    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 339 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 340 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 341 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 342 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 343 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 344 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Healthy Food,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 345 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 346 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Sandwiches,Hot Dogs,Fries
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 347 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 348 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1                     Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
2              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
3                         Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
4                               Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 349 has already rated 7 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
3    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
4    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
5                                                  NaN
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 350 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 351 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 352 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 353 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
3                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
1              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 354 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
3                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 355 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 356 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 357 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 358 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 359 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
3    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
4                     Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
6        Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
7                 Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
0                    Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 360 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 361 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 362 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
2                                   Churros
4       Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
3                 Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 363 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 364 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 365 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                 Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
3              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
4              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
1        Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 366 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2                Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 367 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 368 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 369 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
2              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 370 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 371 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 372 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 373 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1           Desserts,Free Delivery,Healthy Food,Sweets
2                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
4            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 374 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 375 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 376 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
2    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 377 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 378 has already rated 7 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
2      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
4        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 379 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 380 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 381 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 382 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 383 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 384 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 385 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 386 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
0                         Desserts,Mexican
1             Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 387 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 388 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 389 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Burgers
1                 Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
3    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
4    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 390 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 391 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 392 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 393 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 394 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 395 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 396 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1                                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 397 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 398 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
2          American,Breakfast,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
3                                              Churros
4                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 399 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 400 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 401 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 402 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2        Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1                Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 403 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 404 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 405 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 406 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 407 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 408 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 409 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Burgers,Sandwiches,Shawarma,Grills,Pizz...
1                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 410 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 411 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 412 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 413 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 414 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Healthy Food,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 415 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 416 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 417 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 418 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
2          American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
0                 Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 419 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 420 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 421 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 422 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
2                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
4                                              Churros
3    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 423 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 424 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 425 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 426 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
2                                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 427 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 428 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 429 has already rated 9 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1                                     Desserts,Mexican
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
3               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
4    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 430 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 431 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
1                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 432 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Churros
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 433 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 434 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 435 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Desserts,Mandazi,Omani,Salads...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
3                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
4               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 436 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 437 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1           Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
3            Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2      American,Breakfast,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 438 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2                                     Desserts,Mexican
3    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
4                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 439 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 440 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
3    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
5               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
4    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 441 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 442 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
2                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
3    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
4       American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
5           American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 443 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 444 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 445 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 446 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 447 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 448 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 449 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0           Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
2    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
1          Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 450 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 451 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0       Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 452 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 453 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
2                                       Coffee,Organic
3            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1                        Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 454 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 455 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                               Bagels,Desserts,Salads
3                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 456 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 457 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1      American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                           Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 458 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 459 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 460 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 461 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 462 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 463 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 464 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 465 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 466 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
1    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2               Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 467 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 468 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Organic
1      Cakes,Donuts
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 469 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 470 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 471 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 472 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1                             Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 473 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 474 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
2    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
3      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 475 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 476 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 477 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1          Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 478 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 479 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 480 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 481 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 482 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1                     Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
2    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 483 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 484 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 485 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 486 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 487 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 488 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 489 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 490 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 491 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                        Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 492 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 493 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 494 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 495 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 496 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0         American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                         Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 497 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 498 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 499 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 500 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 501 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 502 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                 Bagels,Desserts,Salads
2    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
0      American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 503 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 504 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 505 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1           Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 506 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 507 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 508 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 509 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1             Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 510 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 511 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 512 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 513 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 514 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 515 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
4                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 516 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 517 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 518 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 519 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 520 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
1                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
2              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
3    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
4                               Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 521 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
3                                              Churros
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 522 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
1                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 523 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 524 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 525 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 526 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 527 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 528 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 529 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 530 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 531 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 532 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                                          Churros
1                  American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 533 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 534 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2                Fresh Juices,Healthy Food,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 535 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 536 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 537 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 538 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 539 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 540 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0       Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 541 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 542 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 543 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 544 has already rated 18 restaurants. The first 5 are:
3     Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
4                          Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
15    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
6     American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
7                 Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 545 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 546 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 547 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 548 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 549 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 550 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 551 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 552 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 553 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
3    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
4               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 554 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 555 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                        Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
2               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 556 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
1                                   Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 557 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
2    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 558 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0              Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
2     Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 559 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 560 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 561 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
3              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
4                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
1    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
2    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 562 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 563 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 564 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 565 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1                   Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
2                   Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
3                                            Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 566 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 567 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 568 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Churros
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 569 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 570 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 571 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 572 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 573 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 574 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 575 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 576 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 577 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
5    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 578 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 579 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
1        Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 580 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 581 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
1    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
2    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 582 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 583 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 584 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 585 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 586 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 587 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 588 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
0          American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 589 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 590 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 591 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                          Burgers
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                 Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 592 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 593 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 594 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 595 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
0    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 596 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 597 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 598 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 599 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 600 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 601 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 602 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 603 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 604 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
1                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 605 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1     American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 606 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1                                              Burgers
2                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
3                Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 607 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 608 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 609 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 610 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 611 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 612 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 613 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 614 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0                                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 615 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 616 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1           American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 617 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 618 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                                         Cakes,Donuts
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
2                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 619 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                            Burgers
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 620 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                  American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
2    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
0                  American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
4                          Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 621 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 622 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
1    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 623 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 624 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 625 has already rated 11 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
4              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
5    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
7           American,Breakfast,Rolls,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 626 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 627 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 628 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 629 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 630 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 631 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 632 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1                                     Desserts,Mexican
2                Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
3                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 633 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 634 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                     Desserts,Mexican
1    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 635 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
1    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 636 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 637 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 638 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 639 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 640 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                       Coffee,Organic
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 641 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 642 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
3          American,Breakfast,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 643 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
2    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 644 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 645 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 646 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 647 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    NaN
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 648 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 649 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 650 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 651 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
1           Desserts,Free Delivery,Healthy Food,Sweets
2    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 652 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 653 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 654 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
2           Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 655 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 656 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
3                Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 657 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 658 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 659 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 660 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 661 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 662 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 663 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 664 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 665 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1                  Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
2                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 666 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 667 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 668 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 669 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 670 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 671 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 672 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
1       Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 673 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
1      American,Burgers,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 674 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 675 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 676 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 677 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 678 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 679 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 680 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 681 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 682 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 683 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 684 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3                                              Churros
4    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 685 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
4    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 686 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 687 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 688 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 689 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 690 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
1               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 691 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
2              Fresh Juices,Healthy Food,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 692 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
0       American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 693 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 694 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0                                     Desserts,Mexican
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 695 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 696 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 697 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 698 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 699 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                     Desserts,Mexican
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 700 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 701 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 702 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 703 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
1              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 704 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 705 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
1                                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 706 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 707 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 708 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 709 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 710 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 711 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 712 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 713 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1      American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 714 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 715 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 716 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 717 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 718 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                              Churros
1     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 719 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 720 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Omani
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 721 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Burgers,Sandwiches,Shawarma,Grills,Pizz...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 722 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1           American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 723 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
0            American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 724 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 725 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 726 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 727 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1                                              Burgers
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
3                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
4    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 728 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 729 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 730 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 731 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 732 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 733 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 734 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 735 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 736 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 737 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 738 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 739 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 740 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 741 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 742 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
1     American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 743 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 744 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 745 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 746 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 747 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 748 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 749 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 750 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 751 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    NaN
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 752 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 753 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 754 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Omani
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 755 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 756 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                             Churros
1    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 757 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Burgers
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
3    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
4                   American,Sandwiches,Hot Dogs,Fries
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 758 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
2               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
3                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 759 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 760 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 761 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 762 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 763 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 764 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 765 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 766 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 767 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 768 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 769 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 770 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 771 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 772 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 773 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 774 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 775 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Healthy Food,Japanese,Salads,Sushi
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 776 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
4            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2                 Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
1              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 777 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 778 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 779 has already rated 7 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
4        Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Grills,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 780 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
4                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
7    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
6    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 781 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 782 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 783 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 784 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 785 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 786 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 787 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 788 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
1                                       Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 789 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 790 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 791 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 792 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 793 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1                   Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 794 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 795 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 796 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 797 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 798 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Omani
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 799 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 800 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Omani
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 801 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1                             Coffee,Organic
2        Fresh Juices,Healthy Food,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 802 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 803 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 804 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
0          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 805 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 806 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 807 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 808 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 809 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 810 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 811 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 812 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 813 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 814 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 815 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 816 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 817 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 818 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 819 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 820 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 821 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 822 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 823 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 824 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 825 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 826 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Healthy Fo...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 827 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 828 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 829 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 830 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 831 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 832 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 833 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 834 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 835 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
1                      American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 836 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Organic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 837 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 838 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 839 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 840 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 841 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 842 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                           Desserts,Omani
1    Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 843 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 844 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 845 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 846 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 847 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
2        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
3               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
5                             Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 848 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 849 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 850 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0           Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
2    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
1       Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 851 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 852 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1            Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 853 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 854 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 855 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 856 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 857 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    NaN
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 858 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 859 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 860 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 861 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
2                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
0    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 862 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 863 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 864 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 865 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 866 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 867 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 868 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 869 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 870 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1          American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
2    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 871 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
2    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
3      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 872 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 873 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Donuts
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 874 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 875 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 876 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 877 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Burgers
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
3                        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 878 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 879 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
1                                     Desserts,Mexican
2        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 880 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 881 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
3                            Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 882 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0         American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 883 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 884 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
1                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 885 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 886 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 887 has already rated 9 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
3        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
4    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 888 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 889 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                         Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 890 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 891 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
0          Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 892 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 893 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
3    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 894 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 895 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 896 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 897 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 898 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 899 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 900 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 901 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 902 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 903 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 904 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                                                  NaN
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
0                       Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 905 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 906 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 907 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
2                                   Churros
0          Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 908 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 909 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 910 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Omani
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 911 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 912 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 913 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0       Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
1    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 914 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 915 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 916 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 917 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
1                                              Churros
3            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
4                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
2         Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 918 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 919 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 920 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 921 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 922 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 923 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 924 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 925 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 926 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 927 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 928 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 929 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 930 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 931 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 932 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0       Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 933 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 934 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 935 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 936 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2            Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
3                     Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
4    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 937 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                                          Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 938 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 939 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 940 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0              American,Burgers,Sandwiches
1    Asian,Desserts,Rice,Salads,Soups,Thai
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 941 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                          American,Burgers,Sandwiches
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 942 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 943 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 944 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 945 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 946 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 947 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 948 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 949 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 950 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 951 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 952 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 953 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 954 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 955 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 956 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 957 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 958 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 959 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 960 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 961 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 962 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
2          Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 963 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1        Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 964 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 965 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 966 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 967 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 968 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
1                    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 969 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 970 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 971 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Omani
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 972 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 973 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 974 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1           Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 975 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
1             Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 976 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0            American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 977 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 978 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 979 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 980 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 981 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 982 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
0                                  Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 983 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 984 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
0                     Burgers,Desserts,Pastry,Pizzas
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 985 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 986 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 987 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
2               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
4                             Frozen yoghurt,Smoothies
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 988 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Mexican,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 989 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 990 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 991 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Grills,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 992 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 993 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 994 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 995 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 996 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 997 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 998 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1                                       Coffee,Organic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 999 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0         American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1000 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1         American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
2    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1001 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1002 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1003 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1004 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Desserts,Mexican
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1005 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1006 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1007 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1008 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1009 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1010 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1011 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1012 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1013 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1014 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0     American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1    American,Sandwiches,Hot Dogs,Fries
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1015 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1016 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
1         Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1017 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1018 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1019 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1020 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1021 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1022 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1023 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1024 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1025 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2                                     Churros
0            Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1026 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1027 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                        Burgers,Desserts,Fries,Salads
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
3              Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
5    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1028 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
2                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
4    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
1    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1029 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
1      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1030 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1031 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1032 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1033 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1034 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Free Deliver...
1                                               Arabic
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1035 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2           American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1036 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2           American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
3    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
4                                              Churros
5                Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1037 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1038 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0           American,Burgers,Fries,Mojitos 
1    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1039 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1        Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1040 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1041 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
2    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1042 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1043 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1044 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1045 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1      American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
2                   Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1046 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1047 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1048 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1049 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1050 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1                                              Churros
2                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1051 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
1             Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1052 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1053 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
1                    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1054 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
1               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1055 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1056 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Indian,Salads
1            Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
2            Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1057 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1058 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1059 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1060 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Indian,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1061 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Bagels,Desserts,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1062 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1063 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1064 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1065 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1066 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
3    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
2                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
4               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
5    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1067 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
2           American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches
3            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
4    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1068 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1069 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1070 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1071 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1072 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1073 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1074 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1075 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1076 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1        Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1077 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1078 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1079 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Pastas,Salads,Sandw...
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1080 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1081 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1082 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1083 has already rated 8 restaurants. The first 5 are:
7    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
2        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
4               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
3    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
6            Burgers,Free Delivery,Milkshakes,Mojitos 
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1084 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
3    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
4    American,Burgers,Desserts,Donuts,Fries,Pasta,S...
5                                              Churros
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1085 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1086 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1087 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1088 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
1               American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1089 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1090 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1                                              Churros
2                            Arabic,Kushari,Sandwiches
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1091 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1      American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1092 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Desserts,Italian,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1093 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1094 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1                 Sandwiches,Breakfast,Burgers,Mojitos
2      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
3    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0              Breakfast,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1095 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1096 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1097 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Coffee,Fresh Juices,Hot Chocolate,Sandwiches,S...
1    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1098 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
0                 Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1099 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
1      Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1100 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1101 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1102 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1103 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1104 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1105 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Arabic,Biryani,Chinese,Grills,Indian,Rice,Sala...
2    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
0                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1106 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
1                            Cakes,Donuts
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1107 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
1              Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1108 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1109 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1110 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1111 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1112 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1113 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1114 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Asian,Fresh Juices,Kids meal
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1115 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1116 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Donuts
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1117 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1118 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1119 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1120 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fatayers,Mojitos ,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1121 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1122 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1123 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1124 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1125 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1126 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Breakfast,Desserts,Mandazi,Omani,Salads...
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2                                              Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1127 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1128 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1129 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Pasta,Sandwiches,Sm...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1130 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
2                                              Churros
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1131 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
1                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1132 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1133 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0        American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
1    Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
2         Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1134 has already rated 3 restaurants. The first 5 are:
2        Burgers,Desserts,Family Meal,Salads
0    Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
1       Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1135 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1136 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                              Burgers
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2    Breakfast,Desserts,Grills,Milkshakes,Salads,Sa...
3    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
4                  Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1137 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1                                       Desserts,Omani
2                                              Churros
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1138 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Kids meal,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1139 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1    Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
3               Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
2                 Arabic,Desserts,Free Delivery,Indian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1140 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1141 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Churros
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1142 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1143 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
1    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1144 has already rated 4 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                                       Desserts,Omani
3    American,Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Fries,...
1    Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
2             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1145 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Omani,Arabic,Shuwa,Pasta,Rice,Soups,Lebanese
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1146 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0             American,Burgers,Desserts,Mojitos ,Pasta
1    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1147 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Milkshakes,Mojitos ,Sandwiches,Sh...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1148 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0       Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
1    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1149 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1150 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Free Delivery,Fresh Juices,Fries,Kar...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1151 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1152 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1153 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1154 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Asian,Dimsum,Grills,Japanese,Rice,Soups
1    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1155 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1156 has already rated 5 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0      Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
1                     Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
2                             Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
3    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
4               Combos,Fries,Mojitos ,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1157 has already rated 6 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0                       Desserts,Mexican
2          Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Soups
3                 Bagels,Desserts,Salads
4    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
5    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Kebabs,Rice
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1158 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Fresh Juices,Lebanese,Sandwiches,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1159 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Kids meal,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1160 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Cafe,Desserts,Free ...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1161 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
0                                            Burgers
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1162 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Cakes,Crepes,Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Sa...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1163 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Burgers,Free Delivery,Hot Dogs,Pasta
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1164 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Pizzas,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1165 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Sandwiches,Shawarma,Fresh Juices,Mojitos,Milks...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1166 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Breakfast,Burgers,Grills,Pizza,Sandwiches,Shaw...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1167 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Desserts,Free Delivery,Pasta,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1168 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    American,Breakfast,Burgers,Fries,Sandwiches
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1169 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1170 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Burgers,Fries,Kids meal,Shawarma
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1171 has already rated 2 restaurants. The first 5 are:
1        Biryani,Desserts,Indian,Rice,Thali,Vegetarian
0    Pizzas,Italian,Breakfast,Soups,Pasta,Salads,De...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
User 1172 has already rated 1 restaurants. The first 5 are:
0    Arabic,Burgers,Sandwiches,Shawarma,Grills,Pizz...
Name: vendor_tag_name, dtype: object
Recommending the highest 2 predicted ratings restaurants not already rated.
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-69-55478fa02fc5> in <module>()
      2 k = pd.DataFrame()
      3 for index in range(7726):
----> 4   j = recommend_restaurants(preds_df, index+1, vendors_id_type, df_by_cust_rating_newid, 2)
      5   k = k.append(j)
      6 k.head()

<ipython-input-43-8076197b9e15> in recommend_restaurants(predictions_df, userID, books_df, original_ratings_df, num_recommendations)
     11     user_data = original_ratings_df[original_ratings_df.customer_id_int == (userID)]
     12     user_full = (user_data.merge(books_df, how = 'left', left_on = 'vendor_id_int', right_on = 'vendor_id_int').
---> 13                      sort_values(['vendor_rating'], ascending=False)
     14                  )

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in sort_values(self, by, axis, ascending, inplace, kind, na_position, ignore_index, key)
   5293             by = by[0]
-> 5294             k = self._get_label_or_level_values(by, axis=axis)
   5296             # need to rewrap column in Series to apply key function

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in _get_label_or_level_values(self, key, axis)
   1557         if self._is_label_reference(key, axis=axis):
   1558             self._check_label_or_level_ambiguity(key, axis=axis)
-> 1559             values = self.xs(key, axis=other_axes[0])._values
   1560         elif self._is_level_reference(key, axis=axis):
   1561             values = self.axes[axis].get_level_values(key)._values

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in xs(self, key, axis, level, drop_level)
   3484         if axis == 1:
-> 3485             return self[key]
   3487         index = self.index

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in __getitem__(self, key)
   2876                 if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
   2877                     return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 2878                 return self._get_item_cache(key)
   2880         # Do we have a slicer (on rows)?

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in _get_item_cache(self, item)
   3540             loc = self.columns.get_loc(item)
-> 3541             values = self._mgr.iget(loc)
   3542             res = self._box_col_values(values, loc)

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in iget(self, i)
    986         Return the data as a SingleBlockManager.
    987         """
--> 988         block = self.blocks[self.blknos[i]]
    989         values = block.iget(self.blklocs[i])

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in blknos(self)
    173         if self._blknos is None:
    174             # Note: these can be altered by other BlockManager methods.
--> 175             self._rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs()
    177         return self._blknos

c:\users\ryan\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in _rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs(self)
    248             rl = blk.mgr_locs
    249             new_blknos[rl.indexer] = blkno
--> 250             new_blklocs[rl.indexer] = np.arange(len(rl))
    252         if (new_blknos == -1).any():

In [48]:
#show dataframe with recommendations
collaborative_filter1 = k.iloc[::2]
vendor_id_int vendor_tag_name
58 84 Coffee,Pancakes,Spanish Latte,Waffles
6 17 Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
61 18 Breakfast,Desserts,Salads,Arabic
36 30 Burgers,Healthy Food,Milkshakes,Sandwiches,Steaks
73 49 Cakes,Crepes,Desserts,Donuts,Fresh Juices,Ice ...
... ... ...
5 17 Breakfast,Desserts,Lebanese,Manakeesh,Pizzas,S...
51 53 Coffee,Organic
21 41 Italian,Pasta,Pizzas,Salads,Sandwiches
25 46 Burgers,Fries,Grills,Mishkak,Mojitos ,Sandwich...
82 34 American,Burgers,Mishkak,Salads,Sandwiches

7726 rows × 2 columns

3. Item-based Collaborative Filtering

Item-based filtering looks for items that are similar to those that a user has already rated and then recommends similar restaurants. Ratings are considered rather than features. Here, I use a naive model using KNN. The advantages of this approaches is that training of the model is fast, it has the ability to learn the complex target functions, and is also very effective in preserving information. For disadvantages, this model can beslow while executing queries, which ended up being a major hindrance during testing.

Now, I train the model on the whole dataset with a pivot table where:

  • each row is a vendor_id
  • each column is a customer_id
  • vendor_rating are in the table

I use cosine similarity and euclidean distance to find the distance between similar restaurants and then the model returns the 5 most similar restaurants.

4. Market Basket Analysis

For Market basket, the question is to see if I can recommend a restaurant that the customer has never ordered before. I am assuming that the customer's preferencess stay the same over time.

I first create a one-hot table with all customers and all restaurants, where the cell values were "True" if the customer had at least one order, and "False" if the customer had never ordered from the restaurant. There are instances where customers had multiple orders from the same restaurant, but I counted them once.

In [71]:
orders_by_cust2_pivot1 = pd.pivot_table(orders,

orders_by_cust2_pivot1[orders_by_cust2_pivot1 > 0] = 1
orders_by_cust2_pivot1 = orders_by_cust2_pivot1.fillna(0)
orders_by_cust2_pivot1 = orders_by_cust2_pivot1 > 0
vendor_id 4 13 20 23 28 33 43 44 55 66 ... 681 841 843 845 846 849 855 856 858 907
00HWUU3 False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False
00OT8JX True False False False False False False False False False ... False True False False False False False False True False
010DVV3 False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False
018GT0H False False False False False True False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False
0198LZL False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False True False False False False False False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ZZJSJYC False False False False False True False False False False ... False False False False False False False True False False
ZZJX0AR False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False
ZZP5BHU False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False
ZZRJABJ False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False
ZZY3N0D False False False False False False False False False False ... False False False False False False False False False False

7726 rows × 100 columns

In [75]:
## Create a list of customer basket from the One-Hot df
customer_basket = [np.where(row)[0].tolist() for  _, row in orders_by_cust2_pivot1.iterrows()]

## Maybe work better if groupby and then remove duplicates or remove duplicates and then groupby from original data?
vendor_ids = orders_by_cust2_pivot1.columns.values

customer_basket4 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in customer_basket:
  # find the column name of i
  vendor_id = vendor_ids[i]
  customer_basket4 = customer_basket4.append({'basket':frozenset(vendor_id)}, ignore_index = True)
0 (299)
1 (4, 391, 104, 841, 298, 75, 271, 858, 188, 159)
2 (84)
3 (33)
4 (845)
... ...
7721 (33, 259, 676, 679, 271, 310, 856)
7722 (295)
7723 (82, 310)
7724 (191)
7725 (225, 459, 86, 537)

7726 rows × 1 columns

We used Apriori library to select the most frequent item sets and generated a rules table for instances where the Lift was equal or larger than 1. The current basket, in the antecedents column, is paired with a suggestion, in the consequents column.

In [81]:
# Compute frequent itemsets using a support of 0.04 and length of 3
frequent_itemsets1 = apriori(orders_by_cust2_pivot1, min_support = 0.0000000001, max_len = 2, use_colnames = True)
frequent_itemsets1.to_csv(r'output_frequent_itemsets1.csv', index = False)

# Compute frequent itemsets using a support of 0.05 and length of 3
frequent_itemsets2 = apriori(orders_by_cust2_pivot1, min_support = 0.02, max_len = 3, use_colnames = True)
frequent_itemsets2.to_csv(r'output_frequent_itemsets2.csv', index = False)
In [79]:
rules_1 = association_rules(frequent_itemsets1, metric = "lift", min_threshold = 1.0)
rules_1.to_csv(r'output_rules_1.csv', index = False)
     antecedents consequents  antecedent support  consequent support  \
0            (4)        (13)            0.020968            0.007119   
1           (13)         (4)            0.007119            0.020968   
2            (4)        (20)            0.020968            0.013073   
3           (20)         (4)            0.013073            0.020968   
4            (4)        (23)            0.020968            0.010225   
...          ...         ...                 ...                 ...   
3683       (843)       (856)            0.011649            0.020709   
3684       (845)       (846)            0.012167            0.048796   
3685       (846)       (845)            0.048796            0.012167   
3686       (856)       (858)            0.020709            0.017862   
3687       (858)       (856)            0.017862            0.020709   

       support  confidence       lift  leverage  conviction  
0     0.001683    0.080247  11.272503  0.001533    1.079508  
1     0.001683    0.236364  11.272503  0.001533    1.282066  
2     0.001812    0.086420   6.610683  0.001538    1.080285  
3     0.001812    0.138614   6.610683  0.001538    1.136577  
4     0.001941    0.092593   9.055321  0.001727    1.090772  
...        ...         ...        ...       ...         ...  
3683  0.000259    0.022222   1.073056  0.000018    1.001547  
3684  0.001683    0.138298   2.834189  0.001089    1.103866  
3685  0.001683    0.034483   2.834189  0.001089    1.023113  
3686  0.001035    0.050000   2.799275  0.000666    1.033830  
3687  0.001035    0.057971   2.799275  0.000666    1.039555  

[3688 rows x 9 columns]
In [84]:
rules_1 = association_rules(frequent_itemsets1, metric = "lift", min_threshold = 1.0)
rules_1.to_csv(r'output_rules_1.csv', index = False)

antecedents consequents antecedent support consequent support support confidence lift leverage conviction
0 (4) (13) 0.020968 0.007119 0.001683 0.080247 11.272503 0.001533 1.079508
1 (13) (4) 0.007119 0.020968 0.001683 0.236364 11.272503 0.001533 1.282066
2 (4) (20) 0.020968 0.013073 0.001812 0.086420 6.610683 0.001538 1.080285
3 (20) (4) 0.013073 0.020968 0.001812 0.138614 6.610683 0.001538 1.136577
4 (4) (23) 0.020968 0.010225 0.001941 0.092593 9.055321 0.001727 1.090772
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3683 (843) (856) 0.011649 0.020709 0.000259 0.022222 1.073056 0.000018 1.001547
3684 (845) (846) 0.012167 0.048796 0.001683 0.138298 2.834189 0.001089 1.103866
3685 (846) (845) 0.048796 0.012167 0.001683 0.034483 2.834189 0.001089 1.023113
3686 (856) (858) 0.020709 0.017862 0.001035 0.050000 2.799275 0.000666 1.033830
3687 (858) (856) 0.017862 0.020709 0.001035 0.057971 2.799275 0.000666 1.039555

3688 rows × 9 columns

In [99]:
rules_sorted = rules_1.sort_values(by='lift', ascending=False)
rules_sorted_unique = rules_sorted.drop_duplicates(subset='antecedents')

result = customer_basket4.merge(rules_sorted_unique, left_on='basket', right_on='antecedents', how='inner', indicator=False)
result = result.drop_duplicates(subset=['basket'], keep='first')
basket antecedents consequents antecedent support consequent support support confidence lift leverage conviction
0 (299) (299) (231) 0.021615 0.001424 0.000259 0.011976 8.411541 0.000228 1.010680
49 (84) (84) (304) 0.079084 0.003365 0.001035 0.013093 3.890721 0.000769 1.009857
252 (33) (33) (13) 0.020321 0.007119 0.001424 0.070064 9.842038 0.001279 1.067687
303 (845) (845) (846) 0.012167 0.048796 0.001683 0.138298 2.834189 0.001089 1.103866
364 (81) (81) (231) 0.004660 0.001424 0.000259 0.055556 39.020202 0.000252 1.057316
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4932 (75) (75) (13) 0.007378 0.007119 0.000647 0.087719 12.322169 0.000595 1.088351
4938 (300) (300) (231) 0.005695 0.001424 0.000129 0.022727 15.962810 0.000121 1.021799
4953 (154) (154) (231) 0.008284 0.001424 0.000259 0.031250 21.948864 0.000247 1.030788
4973 (207) (207) (180) 0.011649 0.002459 0.000647 0.055556 22.590643 0.000619 1.056220
4989 (180) (180) (81) 0.002459 0.004660 0.000388 0.157895 33.885965 0.000377 1.181967

100 rows × 10 columns

5. Benchmarking

To measure the performance of recommendation systems, the idea is to use a metric called "mean average precision at k" or MAP@K. MAP is useful for recommender algorithms if you are treating the recommendation like a ranking task. This makes sense in this case because a user of our recommendation system has limited time and attention, and so probably would only want to know the top 5 restaurants and also which recommendations we are most confident in. For this to work, we have to somehow measure if our recommendation system gives a "correct" or "relevant" recommendation that a customer would like.

For reference, precision is the (# correct positives / # predicted positives). Translating this to our recommendation system, our recommder system precision is (# of our recommendations that are relevant / # items we recommended). Average precision for N recommendations is shown by the formula:

\begin{align*} \textrm{AP@N} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^N \textrm{($P(k)$ if $k^{th}$ item was relevant)} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^N P(k)\cdot rel(k), \end{align*}

Almost there. Lastly, the "at K" part of the metric means that you only consider the mean average precision for the subset of your recommendations from rank 1 through rank k. In our case, our top 5 ranked recommendations, or k=5.

Sadly, in order to do this we would need some way to know if customers liked the recommendation. To measure this, the company would need to ask a customer if they liked or disliked their recommendation, and from their calculate the MAP@K to calculate relevant performance.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, I learned a great deal about the different types of recommendation systems and how they would be applied in real life. For the subjective side of recommendation system performance, here is what I learned:

Collaborative Filtering


  • Results are intuitive and easy to understand
  • Can improve as more data is gathered


  • Limited to only customers who has previously rated restaurants (can solve this by implementing a recommendation rule for new users such as recommending highest rated restaurant)
  • Data is likely to be very sparse

Market Basket Analysis


  • Can be applied to all customers who previously made purchases Cons:
  • Requires more computing power than collaborative filtering, more so as size increases (A possible solution could be Amazon's simpler approach)
  • In hindsight, not exactly intended for this type of analysis due to making the assumption that purchase history is concurrent implying that preferences are not changing

However, both of these methods offer improvements over recommending only the highest rated restaurants. Overall, the heuristics approach would most likely outperform the model-driven approach as model-driven relies on gathering more relevant data to improve, while heuristics only needs more customers to rate restaurants. This is also the proven choice of other recommendation systems such as YouTube which factors in watch time and other factors compared to using restaurant ratings.

In hindsight, I could have used a less sparse dataset to get more reliable results are too few people replied, and there were not enough multiple ratings. The quality of the analysis also depends on the available resources and personnel implemting such as recommender system. For further analysis, I could have compared recommendation to a variety of models such as decision trees, KNN, etc. I could have also split the dataset into train/test sets and used another rule to get actual values too benchmark model performance. Lastly, I could perform a market basket analysis on the types of food ordered too, which I thought might be interesting.

The main purpose was that I could learn more about recommendation systems. In that sense, I feel that I have succeeded. In the future, however, starting from the basics such as asking what metrics will I measure performance with, if a recommender system is the right solution for a problem, and if I can collect quality data, will ensure a smoother production pipeline and overall result.