datascience Articles

Restaurant Recommendation System

In this post, I develop 3 recommendation systems for restaurants based on item-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and market basket analysis.

Exploring Personality and Text Style Transfer

In this post, I explore trends between Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) personalities, use wordclouds to visualize common words for each personality type, and explore implications of text style transfer.

Can We Predict Health?

In this post, I tackle Prudential's life insurance classification dataset and deanonymize the likely 8 health classes that were given.

Animated Mapping of Travis County Accidents

This blog post shows my exploration of traffic patterns in Travis County. I use a dataset of traffic incidents from and folium to create several maps as well as animated heatmaps of traffic to unearth patterns in accidents where I live.

Predicting Housing Sales Prices

In this post, I show my entire process for my submission to the Kaggle competition for predicting house prices. I explore 80 variables to understand the Ames Housing dataset and use gradient boosting to predict sales prices.