
Animated Mapping of Travis County Accidents

This blog post shows my exploration of traffic patterns in Travis County. I use a dataset of traffic incidents from and folium to create several maps as well as animated heatmaps of traffic to unearth patterns in accidents where I live.

  • Tue 29 January 2019
  • other

UT Austin MSBA Video Essay

This is my video introduction essay for the 2019 Bridge MSBA Program at The University of Texas at Austin.

Predicting Housing Sales Prices

In this post, I show my entire process for my submission to the Kaggle competition for predicting house prices. I explore 80 variables to understand the Ames Housing dataset and use gradient boosting to predict sales prices.

Plotly Tutorial

In this post, I demonstrate how to use Plotly in Jupyter Notebook to create interactive plots. I also have a few pro tips for spicing up your notebook with Ipython.display

Birthday Analysis

In this quick post, I look into what days my birthdays fall on and when I can expect that elusive weekend birthday.

My First Kaggle Competition

This blog post shows my data exploration, data cleaning, and use of machine learning on the Titanic dataset. I use logistic regression to try to predict which passengers survived the tragedy.